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Thread #104378   Message #2817065
Posted By: Amos
20-Jan-10 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Subject: RE: BS: Random Traces From All Over
New Scientist:

"Although gravity has been successfully described with laws devised by Isaac Newton and later Albert Einstein, we still don't know how the fundamental properties of the universe combine to create the phenomenon.

Now one theoretical physicist is proposing a radical new way to look at gravity. Erik Verlinde of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, a prominent and internationally respected string theorist, argues that gravitational attraction could be the result of the way information about material objects is organised in space. If true, it could provide the fundamental explanation we have been seeking for decades.

Verlinde posted his paper to the pre-print physics archive earlier this month, and since then many physicists have greeted the proposal as promising ( Nobel laureate and theoretical physicist Gerard 't Hooft of Utrecht University in the Netherlands stresses the ideas need development, but is impressed by Verlinde's approach. "[Unlike] many string theorists Erik is stressing real physical concepts like mass and force, not just fancy abstract mathematics," he says. "That's encouraging from my perspective as a physicist."

Newton first showed how gravity works on large scales by treating it as a force between objects (see "Apple for your eyes"). Einstein refined Newton's ideas with his theory of general relativity. He showed that gravity was better described by the way an object warps the fabric of the universe. We are all pulled towards the Earth because the planet's mass is curving the surrounding space-time.

Yet that is not the end of the story. Though Newton and Einstein provided profound insights, their laws are only mathematical descriptions. "They explain how gravity works, but not where it comes from," says Verlinde. Theoretical physics has had a tough time connecting gravity with the other known fundamental forces in the universe. The standard model, which has long been our best framework for describing the subatomic world, includes electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces - but not gravity.

Many physicists doubt it ever will. Gravity may turn out to be delivered via the action of hypothetical particles called gravitons, but so far there is no proof of their existence. Gravity's awkwardness has been one of the main reasons why theories like string theory and quantum loop gravity have been proposed in recent decades.

Verlinde's work offers an alternative way of looking at the problem. "I am convinced now, gravity is a phenomenon emerging from the fundamental properties of space and time," he says.

To understand what Verlinde is proposing, consider the concept of fluidity in water. Individual molecules have no fluidity, but collectively they do. Similarly, the force of gravity is not something ingrained in matter itself. It is an extra physical effect, emerging from the interplay of mass, time and space, says Verlinde. His idea of gravity as an "entropic force" is based on these first principles of thermodynamics - but works within an exotic description of space-time called holography...."