The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104378   Message #2817075
Posted By: Donuel
20-Jan-10 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Subject: RE: BS: Random Traces From All Over

Sci Fi writers rejoice.
Its the Amosmatic screeplayorama

Just take 6 science posts from this thread and combine them in a action drama of your choice.


Further suppositions of the donuel multi-verse model;
With a basic knowledge of singularities, virtual particles, branes and string theory the romance of the universe can unflod before your eyes.

In the multi verse model, new births of new universes can come from colliding branes as well as "on the other side" of existing super massive black holes or wherever sufficiently/impossibly dense pressure and energy resides.

Taking just the example of branes colliding and giving birth to one or many universes, first we must know where and what they are.
These parents who by bumping together give birth to a universe, are vast regions that fly through the 11th dimension, the highest dimension realized. The 11th dimension has the advantage of being able to contact every point in all the dimensions "beneath" it.

*If 11th dimensional branes are full of elementary hydrogen it might explain the mystery of where virtual particles come from.*

An 11th dimension has the unique ability to be in all places at all times.

I can only imagine an 11th dimension as being the most extreme example of quantum strangeness.

One would think that branes would pass through each other if they crossed vectors in 11 dimensions, but in the event that all 11 dimensions being at all places at all times match up and collide the resulting collision would be A HUGE impact within a small tiny wrapped up space within itself but simultaneously being every where and when at once,,,,,,,,,,, then Kaboom a big bang occurs creating its own space time as it goes which would appear like expansion over time. That expansion would be a growing space time which would continue as it began, in an acceleration of new space time containing matter born of energy amid a sea of energy.

This kind of speculation is based only upon certain elements of M and string theory and has no affirming math behind it, but what struck me regarding this flight of imagination is the possibility that virtual particles come from the 11th dimension.

If this is somehow impossibly true, it would give a coherence and similarity to all the universes born of colliding branes. In other words the atomic forces within new baby universes would be inherited from the parental branes of elemental hydrogen.

This would greatly enhance life giving ablities to all new universes.
In fact this mega process is one of a living system giving birth to living systems.

The fuzzy uncertain quantum properties of cosmological physics is in a way exteremly sexy. Think of the grinding and bumping hot membranes that rub and rub until BANG,,,,, and then sometimes a baby universe spews forth.

Yep pretty darn sexy if not similar to the opening credits to Monty Python's MEaning of Life.