The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2817287
Posted By: Sawzaw
20-Jan-10 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming

I did not say you said anything about Chantilly. Dulles airport is in Chantilly so I assume the data you posted and the data I posted are the same except your data had the seasons added in the columns. And I agreed with you about the last three winters being warmer than average but your are intent on being nasty.

Where is your response to This NOAA chart? Maybe you don't really want to find a pattern that disagrees with you.

I have lived here for 65 years and I have to pay people to plow snow. I have had to plow for the last three years but for 5 years before that there was not enough snow to plow.

Mouse thief: do you think WGMS is monitoring all the glaciers?

238 Glaciers is a pittance when the Himalayas have 1500 alone and none of them are being monitored by WGMS. SO where does that leave your assertion that "all the glaciers taken together" must be considered.

"No, not the tiny, well chosen contingent of shrinking glaciers, but all the glaciers taken together."


That is admittedly flawed because they were so anxious to prove global warming that they grabbed facts that were not facts and published them as facts.

From the railroad engineer now proclaimed to be a leading world climate scientist:

"The IPCC produces key scientific material that is of the highest relevance to policymaking, and is agreed word-by-word by all governments, from the most skeptical to the most confident. This difficult process is made possible by the tremendous strength of the underlying scientific and technical material included in the IPCC reports."

Such a pompous ass.