The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126570   Message #2817319
Posted By: Severn
21-Jan-10 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Re-covert and Wired 2010

Thanks for your comments.

Progress moves slow like a glacier, something to be measured in Centimeters or milimeters, but it DOES move.These Recovery Ward threads are great, not only because we all get to laugh off our pain together in a group of friends, but hidden in the jokes, fantasies and drinks, there is the information of what's really happening to us and how it feels. And we can do it all in here without resorting to starting individual or vanity sickness threads. Shared informative therapy is definitely a good thing.

Have you ever been in a party or chatroom and you end up spending all your time telling the same illness updates and stories to various small groups of people all night? I recently went to a party full of people I hadn't seen in years and by the time the medical updates were through, I found I had little time to really reaquaint myself with these folks after fielding the inevitable first question of the night. I was wishing I could just walk in, issue flyers to everybody and get down to becoming a social being again. I can do updates in here for a lot of the on-line people to see and also refer other people to check out these threads so I can move on to talking about other things in my precious little time I have to socialize.

I use humor to help deal with my pain and circumstances and try to inspire my fellow inmates to do and share the same, but I am going to see some stress management people about depression and if you don't think I whine and groan a bit, just ask my sole housemate, Molly The Cat.

So I have to thank everyone in here for laughter, inspiration and shared news, friendship and information.