The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126655   Message #2817336
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
21-Jan-10 - 03:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Binge Drinking reforms....UK
Subject: RE: BS: Binge Drinking reforms....UK
>>>>>Here's Lizzie on women earlier this year:

Until the women of the Middle East, in general, rise as one to put an end to the male dominated society which prevails in so many countries over there, life will never improve for matter how much people from the West try to help.

Women should be free to be who they want to be..

And note Lizzie - not a personal attack - simply noting what you wrote and how it contradicts what you currently write!<<<<<

Where have I stated in this thread that women do not have the right to be what they want to be????? I have stated that Motherhood should be regarded as far more important than it is these days, as once it used to be...And I have stated that if you choose to have children then you have a duty and responsibility to those children, and that they should come first.

If a woman chooses to be a mother, first and foremost, and wants to remain a stay at home Mum, then that is her freedom, Dave. She should be given absolute support and respect for that fact, not sniffed at for 'not having a job'...because she has one and it's the most important jobs in the world, because you are raising the next generation of humans.

On many forms you are either considered to be a Career Woman or nowt. It's crap. So many times I've heard "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't have a 'box' for 'Mother'. I need to know what job you do."

If the women of the Middle East want to be company executives, ice-cream sales folks or anything else, then good for them. If they want to be Mothers, then good for them also. It's their choice, or it SHOULD be.

But for most women to have a full time job and children, creates problems of time, love and tolerance...Many women now are saying they realise that the dream of 'You Can Have It All' is exactly that, a dream, because somewhere, something has to give under all that pressure and so often, it's the children.

Yes, there ARE Dad's who stay at home and raise their children whilst their partners work, and I'm sure many of them do a bloody wonderful job, but they are still in the minority, and like it or not, Mother Nature, for whatever reason, designed the female of the species to have the children, and in nearly all species that's so, along with the females raising the children...unless you're a Seahorse or a few others, before everyone points this out.

Children, imo, should come first, not 'Careers'...

I still remember a woman in the bed next to me, when my daughter was born...staring at her new baby, saying anxiously, that she was really worried that her social life was going to be comprimised by 'this'...and how she loved sports, going out, her career...etc..and I felt so bloody sorry for that child. Basically, it had just hit her...

John, I've very often stood up for men in here, and I feel that they've been pushed to the sidelines terribly by the feminists, as have women who want to be full time mothers.

My Dad gave me a very different kind of love to my I know only too well how important men are..but I'm merely saying that children are bloody important too and putting them into the care of the State, as we are being brainwashed to do more and more these days, is sooooooooooooo damn wrong.

We have created many parents who don't know how to be parents and the effects of that can be seen out on our streets, as so many unhappy young people seek to find the meaning of life from the bottom of a lager can..

(And for the record, I regard people in the 20s and 30s as 'young' people...because I am 346 years old these days, so this is not *just* aimed at teenagers, but there IS a huge teenage drinking problem in this country, as well as in the other age groups)