The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2818907
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
22-Jan-10 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
Donuel, you and I agree totally on the over stimulus. I think your research is wonderful!   This over stimulus, I've realised is not just in the autistic brain, but also in the dyslexic and dyspraxic brain as well.

My friend is dyspraxic and she over worries about everything, her sense of smell is profound as is her sense of touch, of being touched, and her vision is incredibly acute. She can do many things at once, especially driving, where she can drive whilst taking in EVERYTHING that is happening on both sides of the car, window wise...It frightens the beejayzus out of me at times! :0)

She remembers everything people say..and once, I was talking to her in the street, and I noticed that she noticed EVERYTHING! She was waving to people in cars, saying hello to people on the street, noticing who'd walked past on the other side of the street, the smells she could smell, what she could hear...ALL whilst talking to me.

Her senses never stop.

She sleeps with earplugs in, as she hears everything...her sense of taste is acute too.

You are most definitely on to something here, and at times I get so damned frustrated because the solution is out there and it's staring us in the face!!! It is all so damn easy to see.....

But the sense of deep fear, the ever pervading fear, which comes from the over stimulated mind and senses is the thing that causes such distress to so many autistic people, I feel.   

I really hope, with all my heart that you and your wife are able to take these thoughts of yours and move them forward, and if you ever need anyone to shout and scream to the rooftops, on your behalf, then I'm right here!