The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126749   Message #2819057
Posted By: Dave Roberts
22-Jan-10 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Cat's Whiskers
Subject: BS: The Cat's Whiskers
I have noticed that the Mudcat Cafe is quite a haven for people who love cats and know all about them.

Today we had the privilege of a visit from our former resident cat Moston who came to us in about 2001 and moved out about three years ago, shortly after our rescue dog Roger moved in.

The original plan was that Roger and Moston should be 'friends' but as Moston is totally neurotic and Roger is just plain nuts,it was never going to happen. So Moston took himself off and took up residence somewhere in the vicinity (probably in several places, as cats are wont to),only making an appearance every so often to check on us and see if Roger is still about.

Which he did today.

But, to come to the point, Moston, who is a completely black cat and came originally equipped with black whiskers, has now swapped these for some natty white ones since we last saw him.

It's definitely Moston. He's an unusual moggy - a kind of mongrel version of a Maine Coon, with a very distinctive 'miaow' which is unmistakeable.

So why should he have switched from black to white whiskers? Could it be that he's just getting old?