The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126747   Message #2820004
Posted By: Severn
23-Jan-10 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat MEN joint bonding session!
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat MEN joint bonding session!
I would think that there would be enough good thought generated from a Mudcat Men & Women, Maugham & Pauper roadshow version of "Of Human Bondage" to help our ailing heal again and if we can't make the world itself heel in obediance (healthcare for all?), at least the heeling effect could work on Seamus and maybe even Molly The Cat. But, in all seriousness, there are wonders that need working!

Now I know that the women in scheduling it at 4:15pm Mudcat Standard Time conveniently avoided conflict with both the weekday soaps and the Saturday PBS cooking shows, and that a few of the men have been grumbling that they hope it coincides with halftime, I'm sure we'll have all of us there that can be there.

Now as for those such as myself that staggered over to the bonding session from the Recovery Ward, do we have to hobble back across threads to our horse-spittle beds as fast as we possibly can (lickity-splint?) to be back on the recieving end of the grace in time? Or, for that matter, if we're in the same thread-room as the bonding session, do we recieve our healing grace faster than do those back in the Ward? Actually, the space-time continum issue doesn't really matter, as it's far better to give than to recieve and I have some very special prayers and wishes to send out.

Be ready! "We Are The World", eat your livers, or better yet, feed 'em to the poor! You ain't seen nothin' yet! Can anybody write a catchy theme song so that Mudcat can be represented at NEXT year's Grammys as well?.....