The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126177   Message #2820065
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
24-Jan-10 - 02:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
Subject: RE: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
Good for you, Kat!

With my cat it will be a day by day thing. The prospect of high bills is daunting, and unfair in the face of other things we need to do. But if we can keep it modest, and if he can stand being poked with a very large needle twice a week to have saline solution administered under the skin, and IF he isn't nuts (the vet said today that some of his confusion or unhappiness may clear up once his kidneys are stable) then we'll try to work with it.

Finished the application for one school, working on another, and have b begun a financial aid request for yet another. I've also pulled together some research on insurance companies, printing up stuff from a database at my library. I'm going to probably switch homeowners and auto next week. They come due in a couple of weeks. Also changing electric, and I have to bludgeon the cable guys to lower that bill. All of this takes so much time!

I did watch a movie, a rather somber one, called The Man Who Cried. Gorgeous sound track. It's going in the mail with other stuff tomorrow.