The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2820815
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
24-Jan-10 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
Cripes, I should be in bed now...

Dave, I posted the words I did because they were relevant to me. Rose told me many times how Daisy would never look at her, despite so many people trying to get her to do just that. Chris, my manageress, whose 14 year old daughter, Chloe, has just been diagnosed with Aspergers, does the same thing and her Mum keeps on telling her off for looking she's not yet realised why Chloe does this...

Hannah, my daughter's friend, who still can't look at us hardly at all, and who, when younger, would keep her eyes cast down, and always wear a peaked hat, with the peak pulled down so low over her face.....

So many people consider this as a sign of rudeness, when to the autistic child/adult it is nothing of the sort....and the more people who realise this, the better, because it will make many lives a fraction easier.

I do not believe that it is only a few people on this thread who read it, Dave. I post, as I have always posted, for the many people who read Mudcat who never post..and for those who may just happen to stumble across Mudcat, as it comes up so often now in searches...and who knows who may read this, see some links and be helped in ways they never knew they'd find.

That is the wonder of the internet.

I'm sorry if it spoils your feelings above, but tough.