The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126706 Message #2820938
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
25-Jan-10 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Imaginary places in song??
Subject: RE: Imaginary places in song??
Funnily enough what I actualy said was that I assumed the Hill and Shore to be colliery names but on further investigation it seems that the Colliery was Walker Hill - Look it up yourselves. I'm not doing all your homework. I have also found a reference to Byker Hill being a place in 1794. From the North of England Instiute of mining records -
Reference: NRO 3410/Wat/3/110/11 Creation dates: 31 Dec 1794
Scope and Content Terms of a lease of a piece of ground at Byker Hill from John Lawson to Messrs Bells, Brown and Co
It is also pretty reasonable to assume that, locally, the Tyne's edge at Walker would be called Walker Shore. That's my story and I'm sticking to it:-)
So, they may not exist now but they would have done at one time!