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Thread #126461   Message #2821692
Posted By: Greg F.
26-Jan-10 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Oh, yeah good old lyingsackof$

With such insightful recent screeds as
"Obama-Drooling Media Create Their Very Own Lame Duck","Keeping awake while Obama sings his Marxist Lullabye", and "Massachusetts Win: Obama Vows Retaliation Against American People".

From Wickipedia:

Canada Free Press and Garth Pritchard apologized in 2005 to David Pugliese and CanWest Global Media Works Publications Inc. for allegedly defaming them in an article written by Pritchard entitled "Bedroom Slipper Journalism". Pritchard had falsely accused Pugliese of not having any hands-on experience, and lacking credibility. In fact, Pugliese has reported from active war/conflict zones as well as peacekeeping operations.

Canada Free Press reports opinion pieces, rather than news. It has falsely listed Timothy F. Ball as "a renowned environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the Univ. of Winnipeg", and indicated he possesses a "Ph.D. in Climatology" from the "University of London, Englend." Neither claim is correct, as the University of Winnipeg has no such department, as Ball was only a sessional lecturer in Geography in Winnipeg, and he obtained a Geography Ph.D. in London.