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Thread #126461   Message #2821792
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Jan-10 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Just tell people what they want to hear...or expect to...and they will believe it.

This principle has long been understood by demagogues and propaganda ministers everywhere.

He who best controls the flow of propaganda WILL control the public consciousness, as long as the system that stands behind the propaganda is able to effectively maintain itself.

For instance, Nazi propaganda easily convinced millions of Germans that Poland was menacing Germany in 1939 and that a German attack on Poland was a justifiable act of self-defence. They continued convincing millions of Germans of various other unrealistic things. This was not because Germans are stupid people. It was because the Nazi government had very good control of the flow of propaganda through the media. The illusions didn't begin to collapse until the war was so clearly lost that the failure and madness of the Nazi system could no longer be hidden from the general public.

Anyone who wishes to believe that Sarah Palin is a political saviour and who hates the Obamas will naturally believe what was said in the Dewie Whetsell email. It's a way of encouraging the enthusiasm of the already converted.

By the other token, those who love Obama and hate Sarah Palin won't believe a word of it...but it isn't being sent out for them! ;-) It's a call to a different constituency.