The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126838   Message #2821966
Posted By: Donuel
26-Jan-10 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Gets Lost
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Gets Lost
While I am saying the same as all of the above, I shall do it a bit more colorfully;

Like CLinton listening to Dick Morris, Barak is going off the deep end. Its like he is drugged and is now hallucinating a sugar plum world of satisfying the vast right wing Wall St. conspiracy. Did he have some wierd dream about a bipartisan pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

There is rumor that he will ask for a spending freeze like Hoover did.

What strange ceremony has he gone to?
Put one foot in hot water, put one foot in cold water and a damp towel on your forehead while chanting the bonesmen chant.

Is he planning to take the remaining 9 trillion dollars of funny money to build mineshaft bunkers to survive a cataclysm? I can hear George C Scott yelling WE MUST NOT HAVE A MINE SHFT GAP. Maybe then and only then would the Brak I know be making any sense with his actions.

While he is good at tossing off a scolding remark to bankers now and then, his actions leave the middle class shit out of luck just like the rest of the AH Presidents since Kennedy.

A fake to the right here and a dodge to the left there, Barak, its better to be BOLD even if it puts your family in jeopardy, in order to save ours.
That is the ultimate burdon of leadership sir. But you chose the job.

IF McCain had won we would now have Phil Graham in charge of the economy. He would have stopped taxing the rich altogether and after that the limits of his imagination would have run dry.