The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125496   Message #2822294
Posted By: Janie
27-Jan-10 - 01:50 AM
Thread Name: Congrats! Kendall,Jacqui &Dan Grammy nominations!!
Subject: RE: Congrats! Kendall,Jacqui &Dan Grammy nominatio
Let me be very clear. What is really important is that I can say "Hey, Lookee me! I have friends who were producers of an album that were nomimonimateded fer a Grammy. Ain't that the cat's meow!"

And when I show 'em pitchurs I expect all ya'll to look the part. Kendall definitely has nailed "the look." Even better than Lauren Becall. The rest of youse has now a standard to reach or surpass. Gonna be hard to do, even sans the ponytail.

Yer all equal to the task. I'm sure o' thet.

***huge, toothy, narcissistic Hillbilly grin**** IN YOUR FACE!

More 'portent than the "State of the Union" I declare.

Silliness aside, I am so glad for all involved with this wonderful album, proud of those of you that I have a personal acquaintance with (some of you well enough to love), and especially pleased with what the nomination itself means in terms of recognition of Utah Phillips and his importance and impact (related, but not synomyns) on music and important sociocultural reflections and issues indigenous to these united states. Utah himself stands as a metaphor for the power and effectiveness of song, in general, and folk music, in particular, as messenger of real people in real times.