The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126815   Message #2822671
Posted By: greg stephens
27-Jan-10 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: LYR&Chord Req: 24 Jan.on Larkrise UKTV gypsy song?
Subject: RE: LYR&Chord Req: 24 Jan.on Larkrise UKTV gypsy song?
I have just watched my first episode. Interesting. I sort of imaghined it might bear some relation to a rather good book I read called "Larkrise to Candleford". Not so. The book was written by someone with a detailed knowledge of country life, and made an interesting point about the conspicuous lack of folk music in the community.
The programme, on the other hand, was apparently made by someone who looked as if they might have watched one other programme about The Old Days, as background research. It was also full of people making up a sort of school-teacherish fakesong, and playing meledeons guitars and banjoes as if in a folk club.
The guy's job toiling in the fields didn't look too bad. A days work seemed to be pulling a scarecrow out of the ground, and then vaguely thinking where to put it next next, and then having a bit of a dance.
How charmingly bucolic.