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Thread #24415   Message #282304
Posted By: Brendy
22-Aug-00 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kursk fiasco
Subject: RE: BS: Karsk fiasco
I saw a programme on NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Authourity) the other night, where the obligatory 'panel of experts' were in place to discuss all of this, and it's implications.
Among those present was a representative of the Russian News Agency, and he was asked more or less the same question that sledge now asks.

He told us that we have to bear in mind that Putin is a relative 'new boy' at diplomatic things. That he has advisors inexperienced in the art of the video and sound byte, and that in all probability, the newsman said, Putin thought that by going up to Murmansk, he would be putting more pressure on the rescuers; that this was not the field of his particular expertise, so he basically 'let the professionals do their job'.

For an inexperienced diplomat, I can see the logic of this action. I don't agree with the premise, but I can see the line of argument.

But to be interviewed at his Black Sea resort, in a white shirt, drink on table, looking very relaxed and suntanned, even smiling at times, was a big mistake, in the eyes of the journalist.

Norwegian T.V. news yesterday made a big point of the fact, that it took the Norwegian divers 1/2 hour to do what the Russians couldn't do in a week.

Which leads me to suggest that Putin should have been there, byte or no byte.
I'm a bit uncertain, though, about the eventual effect of all of this on his position as President.
I hate to say it, but in Russia at least, this will blow over, as people return to worrying about foraging an existence.

The mafias are blowing up apartment blocks in big cities, killing hundreds of people; big news when it started, cos the Chetchen freedom fighters were blamed originally, but now seems like old news, even though it happens almost on a weekly basis.

I have been looking at Russian T.V over the past week, on and off, and although it is seen as a tragedy, and there are angry people ringing in to their stations, it doesn't have that 'lingering story' feel about it.

On the whole, I have found the reporting of this story by the Norwegians incredibly even handed (although I saw that they were a little 'proud' of their achievement).
They don't have the same kind of reporting that infests the 'Murdoch school', and they are surprisingly even-handed when it comes to journalistic practise.

But whatever about what BBC, CNN, or Sky, not covering the 'hostile attack' thoery, I can assure you that it is still a talking point here, and privately being discussed at higher levels, from what I can glean from it all.

But just like the bombing of the Chinese Embassy, if there was going to be a war, I think we would have known about it by now, one way or another.

I'll be keeping a close eye on reindeer shit statistics over the next weeks, though; we haven't heard any adverse stories about leaks yet, and I don't know whether this is good news or bad news.

Just to give you a few chronological facts:

1: The Norwegians, British, and Russians (N. B. R.) go down to open the sub.
2: N. open the top hatch, which was found to be flooded with water. Some R. sailors (3-4) were found dead here.
3: Second hatch 'unscrewed' (presumably by N., but could have been by R.)
3: N. and B. withdrew from the area, back to mother ship.
4: Some hours later R. asks N. to recover bodies.

I haven't heard any news today, yet.
I thought point 4 to be an interesting one, though.

Keep you posted!
