The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126852   Message #2823240
Posted By: GUEST
28-Jan-10 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tight Like That (Leadbelly)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req:'Tight Like That' (Huddie Leadbelly)

Please find close to certain lines of this song where you can catch them.
One thing is sure Huddie is very hard to understand
Another thing I'm not sure that "In some deed or Yes indeed" matches with the song
Maybe one of you can answer the question
Good reading folks
IT'S TIGHT LIKE THAT recorded New York City October 15, 1948

Guitar intro

Oh it's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

Guitar break

Oh it's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

You take Sal and I'll take Jane [These 2 lines look like in OX DRIVER'S SONG (Ledbetter) from Smithsonian Folkways 40105]
Both good lookin', but they ain't the sam

Oh tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

If you want to see a preacher laugh [These 2 lines look like in WHEN DE GOOD LORD SETS YOU FREE American ballads & Folks songs]
Change a dollar and give him half
It's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

Some folks said that a preacher won't steal [These 2 lines look like in PORK CHOP BLUES by Jim JACKSON 1927]
I caught two in my corn-field
It's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

Gone to cornfield just like rats
It's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh tight like that

Some folks said that a chicken won't steal
I caught two on my chicken-roost field
It's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

It's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

Preacher and rooster had a terrible fight [These 2 lines look like in WHEN DE GOOD LORD SETS YOU FREE American ballads & Folks songs]
Preacher knocked the Rooster clean out of sight
It's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

Chicken told the rooster, "That will be all right.
Meet you at the hen house 'morrow night
It's tight like that ooooh, be tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

Guitar break

Oh it's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

It's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

funniest thing I ever seen [These 2 lines look like in NEW DIRTY DOZEN By Memphis MINNIE ]
tomcat sitting on a sewing machine
It's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that

Guitar break

Oh it's tight like that ooooh, tight like that ooooh
In some deed oh it's tight like that