The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125560   Message #2824534
Posted By: RoyH (Burl)
29-Jan-10 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: Johnny Collins Celebration Day (UK)
Subject: RE: Johnny Collins Celebration Day (UK)
I am on the bill for this event but alas I won't be there. I've had to pull out as a result of injuring my back while doing some furniture moving at home. Matters got worse when I sufered a bad reaction to some prescribed painkillers. At the moment I am just about able to rise from a chair without assistance and walk around (very slowly) for a few minutes at a time. So I'll have to be content with being there 'in spirit'.
The cast list is terrific so my absence won't make a lot of difference, but with a full house and all the goodwill there is for Johnny I forsee a memorable event.Have a great time everybody. Sing a chorus for me. ROY.