The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126921   Message #2824792
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
29-Jan-10 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chip shop queues
Subject: BS: Chip shop queues
Following on the heels of the thread about fish and chips, I would like to bring the following to peoples attention. People don't know how to queue in chip shops!

When I were a lad (1847) you went in and formed an orderly queue to one end of the counter. Once you got to the end of the counter you knew it was nearly your turn. You then siddled up to the other end of the counter as other people were served and left and then, once you got to the right position, you got served. I cannot describe the right position as it all depends on the chip shop, the position of the door, the position of the counter, the position of the range, the day of the week and the phase of the moon. But we all knew instinctively where it was.

Not now. I went in the chippy for us teas, as is us wont on a Friday and it was full of students from the 6th form college who must have been having an event for them to be there so late. No-one knew where to go, who's turn it was, what they wanted or how to order multiple meals. No, dear, it isn't 'Two fish and chips'. If you ask for that you are likely to get two fish and two chips and it would serve you right. It is fish and chips twice. To which the owner traditionaly replies 'I heard you the first time'.

Anyhow, made no odds to me. In the confusion I placed my order, was served fish chips and peas, meat and potato pie chips and gravy, two lots of chips, a small tub of curry and three specials before anyone noticed. Left them to it. Probably still be there tomorrow.

Eeeee. What's the world coming to...

:D (eG)