The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126921   Message #2825227
Posted By: GUEST,bill S from Melbourne
30-Jan-10 - 02:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chip shop queues
Subject: RE: BS: Chip shop queues
Fish - depends where you were. I was in Wigan with my boss from London where they have a menu with several kinds of fish. He asked what kings of fish they had. The bloke said "Fish". boss says, "what kind?" " I dunno, fish innit?" Oop north you had fish, posh places had a choice of fish or plaice. Fish could be cod, haddock or summat else. But deep fried in batter. Proper chippies used potatoes in half inch square strips, none of yer frozen rubbish. And peas were mushy, not slimy.
And yes, we do have chippies in Melbourne nearly all using frozen chips and fish, with some fresh.
Now I'm getting peckish