The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126944   Message #2825965
Posted By: Bill D
30-Jan-10 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Bill D's test of wood pics in new browser
Subject: RE: BS: Bill D's test of wood pics in new browse
Well, no sense blushing when no one can see it...

What takes time is doing non-standard things....that and most sanding.

Woodturning is a relatively fast art form when taking a solid piece of mostly dry wood and making an open bowl-shaped thing from it...or drilling a smallish hole, hollowing the inside a bit, then sanding just the outside ('cause you CAN'T sand the inside). I do some of that, because it's good to have an assortment when doing a show, but somehow, I got into doing stuff with rough edges...maybe leaving the bark on... and stuff with odd shapes out of weird woods with 'unusual' textures and hardnesses. This means stopping to check where you are more often, being extra careful of delicate edges and rough spots, and trying to **sand** into crevices and at odd angles.

Sanding can easily be the major part of a piece. Also, just getting dressed (for turning odd shaped wood with flying pieces) can take time....gotta have a Tyvek suit, dust mask, face shield, vacuum set-up, and maybe a left-hand glove to protect left hand close to those loose flying parts... *grin*.

Then, working thru a small hole to hollow a larger piece means holding on tight and stress...and the arm gets tired, so need to stop more often. (I don't burn a lot of cardiovascular workout, but still get weary...and at MY age... ) I try to use time better by doing something small on my smaller lathe while 'resting' from the larger one, but *shrug*... it is still standing and straining with no real exercise.

(I remember on one forum, there was a guy who bragged that he turned 10-12 large (9-15" dia.) bowls a DAY..(his wife did power-sanding on them) then did ONE big show a year. He was fast and good...but most of his stuff all looked the same...big, open bowls. I would be bored silly!)