The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126921 Message #2826155
Posted By: GUEST,bill S from Melbourne
31-Jan-10 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chip shop queues
Subject: RE: BS: Chip shop queues
A long time ago, my better half worked in the local chippy. She came in late one night absolutely exhausted. This was their busiest might ever, the queue was down the street all night, they took over $5000 which then would have bought a house. I thought... and said, were all your customers male? They were so I explained Mens Singles Final at Wimbledon, not a woman in town was cooking tea, just sent hubbies out for F&C. So watch out tomorrow with a Brit in a Grand Slam final (British if he wins, Scottish if he loses) no cooked breakfasts! Too early for the chippies.