The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2826265
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
31-Jan-10 - 07:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
You would try and mock formal qualifications, S., because you don't have them and are ultra-competitive.

Au contraire on both counts, David.

Firstly - I have the highest regard for academia; I met my wife when she was an undergrad at Durham University, reading for Theology. She since trained to be a nurse and is now a Community Matron reading for her masters in her down-time, musical distractions (and distinctions) notwithstanding of course.

Secondly - I'm not competitive in the slightest, just inclined to accord respect and disrespect where it's due. In your case it's mostly the latter, purely for the fact that you persist in the promotion a Life's Work that hangs like dead weight around your neck heavy with conclusions that were erroneous when you reached them years ago. Your general Misanthropy aside, you have shown no willingness to learn (unless it is to alter the odd word in your execrable rhythm-less verse) or else attempt any understanding of your adopted culture but cling on to your willow-licked streams vision of an Ethnically-Cleansed Christian England that has no contemporary or historic relevance whatsoever.

As Jesus said: By their works ye shall know them - not by their fork-lift qualifications or Degrees in Inhumanity. In your case, he might have said by their Life's Work ye shall know them, the shortcomings of which have been adequately demonstrated here. In short, it goes something like:

--Your "poetry" sucks.
--It has been posted repeatedly before.
--It is full of bigoted and racist statements.
--That which isn't racist is often incredibly juvenile.
--It is obvious to most that you have limited knowledge of the world, especially considering your supposed travels.