The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2826346
Posted By: s&r
31-Jan-10 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck"

You sound Australian. That is the country that educated (sic) you and nurtured you through your impressionable years. You know nothing of English culture. You have an Australian passport and citizenship still?
you have learned little from England in your time here.

I can't see what your problem is with being Australian. It's a fine and proud country.

But wishing won't make you English to me I'm afraid.

"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck"

Can I say again WAV: I don't dislike you; I don't know you . You're probably an alright guy (Sean says so and I value his opinion). I have tried repeatedly to help in your education. I would like to like you. So I suspect would many others on the forum who you malign and impugn.

It's your posts I detest. They smack of all the isms that I would not wish to be associated with.

From what you say 'On another forum a few years ago, someone coined the term "WAVoholics"' this is not the only place which opposes ypur postings. I have seen worse descriptors than WAVoholics on various forums.

