The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2826585
Posted By: olddude
31-Jan-10 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
My daughter is expecting my first grandchild (a grand son). One of my very close friends just had a new baby boy, she is a big time model (beautiful girl) with a severely autistic son already. Right now she is using only cloth diapers, glass bottles, making her own baby food. She said since we do not know the cause and environmental factors may play a part I am going to error on the side of caution and do what they did in the 50s. I told my daughter she should do the very same thing. The worst you will end up with is a very healthy baby since you did not use processed baby food or plastics in anyway ...

I think it is a good idea myself for any expecting mom or new mom .. What do we have to lose? yes it is a pain to do such but it can't hurt huh .