The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2826601
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
31-Jan-10 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
"So Lizzie - I take it you've reversed your stand that autistic children should not go to mainstream school? That's good. It's a step in the right direction for you. Progress not perfection - that's my motto."

No child should be bullied, Wesley. You've read on here that it happens to children with autism a great deal. It shouldn't be happening. My wish is to protect them because I've seen the terrible damage and utter bewilderment this causes to very gentle people who are autistic.

IF we had schools where children accepted everyone, where we had spent time teaching kindness, understanding and tolerance, then yes, mainstream school for ALL children would work.

Sadly, we don't have that...and there is now more bullying in schools (despite the anti-bullying charters everywhere) than ever before. It is why it has been highlighted by the National Autistic Society.

Again, not all autistic children would WANT to go to schools filled with thousands of faces they don't understand, Wesley. For many of those children mainstream schools may well be the worst possible place, because every day is fearful...and The Fear is already inside them to start with, even on a one to one basis...

But if the child is happy, thriving and loving their school, then I've no problems at all. I would wish that for every single child, autistic or not, but I know it does not happen. We are a long way off from it happening in this country too. I've no idea if things are different in the USA.