The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2826644
Posted By: LilyFestre
31-Jan-10 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: BS: LilyFestre -UPDATE - she's home, resting:-)
The baby reception was nice...loads of people, many of whom I did not know. An old friend from high school was there so we sat together and chatted. I sat and held the baby for probably half an hour or so and also got to feed her....heaven....I'm telling you, I was in heaven. I didn't stay long as I tire so fast but I'm glad I went!

When I got home, I took a nap...a few hours or so and decided that I wanted to go to church. My husband wasn't interested in driving me over and my Mom is plain old worn out from driving me everywhere so I drove myself. No pain meds for the previous 24 hours and I'd also had a nap. It was fine although I won't be gallavanting around the countryside on a daily basis just yet. It was good for me to hear the sermon, the enjoy the music and just to see other people....also, just the atmosphere makes me feel better.

I will say that the day was tiring and I slept all night and didn't wake up until 10:30ish this morning...something I hardly EVER do. My husband likes to tease if I sleep past 7:30am, he'll tell me I slept the entire day away.

We went to town this afternoon to the feed store (I sat in the car), to lunch (where I had 1/6th of a steak , a side salad and we both got cake to bring home) and then to Walmart. My list was short but of course I needed things from BOTH sides of the store. One complete trip around and I had to sit on the bench for a little bit....totally wore me out. Pete assures me it will get better.

I'll be going to the Dr. tomorrow as the infection is looking worse and is going further up on my incision.

I'm also not feeling as panicked as I had it's more of a quiet, inside panic...instead of the screaming, crying, freaked out panic. Apparently there are stages to how people go through such a diagnosis. My mom keeps telling me, "You're supposed to get mad now, remember?" I've read about the stages and honestly would be happy to feel some anger as anger brings energy with it and has a tendency to do away with fear....I'm just not there yet.

What I do need is a nap.

I love you people. Every last one of you.

