The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126915   Message #2826772
Posted By: Teribus
31-Jan-10 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blair at the Chilcot Inquiry
Subject: RE: BS: Blair at the Chilcot Inquiry
Recorded fact Bobert easily demonstrated -

Regime Change in Iraq became official US Goverment policy in late summer of 1998, NOT, repeat NOT January 2001 or even April 2002.

The fact that Regime Change in Iraq became official US Goverment Policy had absolutely NOTHING, repeat NOTHING to do with George W. Bush; "unfinished business"; or the assassination attempt on his father in April 1993.

"Are you saying that Blair was going to invade Iraq without the US on board??? I mean, that seems to be your implication is saying that it was the UK that pushed for a UN Resolution... That's garbage... Colin Powell pushed for it hot and heavy..."

OK then Bobert give us the timeline - When exactly was it that Colin Powell first pushed for a UN Resolution either "hot and heavy" or in any other manner. We all know when Tony Blair and the UK Government decided that that was the only way to go. You come up with your date and we shall see which is the earlier shall we??

Oh, and while you are about that, could you please explain Bobert why it would be that, if Colin Powell instigated the UN proceedings (pushing hard and heavy in the process), it was the UK that proposed and drafted 1441 and it was the USA that seconded it? (Hint Bobert: If you read what you have written the answer is as plain as a pikestaff and confirms conclusively that it was the UK that pushed the UN route and not CP).