The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126706   Message #2826838
Posted By: GUEST,2581
31-Jan-10 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: Imaginary places in song??
Subject: RE: Imaginary places in song??
Whatever "Mr. Peobody's coal train hauled away" in Country Roads; it's no longer there.

Mr. Peabody's coal train was in John Prine's "Paradise," not John Denver's "Country Roads."

True. In addition, all of the geographical references in Prine's song - Muhlenberg County, the Green River, the town of Paradise, etc. - do exist. And if you have ever seen Muhlenberg County (KY), you would realize that Mr. Peabody's coal train has, in fcat, hauled away half of the county... The strip mining there is horrendous...