The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2826938
Posted By: Sawzaw
31-Jan-10 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Sorry MR holier than thou that likes to insult other people's countries and get all hurt when they do the same. You are clearly fixated on the USA.

Now if the Imperial mean old US is bad and socio/capitalist AC/DC Canada is so good, Wouldn't it be great if the bad US went away and the good Canada was finally rid of the US?

No? Don't want that to happen? Would you just rather tell others what to do to benefit yourself even more?

Could Canada's Socialist side survive with out the extra $17,108.5 Billion per year to baby sit it's people so they can hoot about what a success they are?

Sorry, this is the only quote from that speech and to me it means what it says:

"There is no terrorist threat in this country. This is a lie. This is the biggest lie we've been told."
Britain’s Children

It may be surprising to hear me admit it, but I have quite enjoyed the coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s visit to the United States. The Queen has gotten an overwhelmingly warm reception from the American people and their political leaders, while media the coverage has been excited and respectful.

What I like about this visit is how genuine the support is. When the Queen visits Canada, or some other Commonwealth realm, the visit is always infused with so much political subtext. The republic vs. monarchy debate overshadows all the festivities and everyone is continuously asked for an opinion on the matter. When our politicians show support for Elizabeth they do so with phony, gritted smiles, knowing full well that they are making a controversial constitutional statement by doing so.

The United States has moved beyond all this, however. When the Queen comes to visit the US she does so as a symbol of America’s past, but also as a representative of America’s contemporary, mature relationship with the United Kingdom. There is no irate republican outrage or gushing apologism from monarchists. It is just a nice visit from a special lady.