The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2827182
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
01-Feb-10 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Sean didn't ask a questioin this time - he merely repeated the same false accusation.

Oblivious to cultural process, you resort to the mantra repetition of your own misconceptions, which would be fair enough if you didn't publish them. The accusations are not false, David; you mire yourself in a world view that is entirely racist, and reactionary to the point of inert.

What would you do with an empty church?...sing in my counter-tenor-ish Church voice.

Please, David - anything but that. Whilst I applaud your Cob a Coaling, you've ruined for me entirely When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. So please, just walk around - savour the peace & the silent ambience. That said, when faced with an empty church myself I switch on my Zoom H4 and whip out a Jew's Harp to capture the essence of said peace. See HERE, particularly track #1, recorded on the morning of 20th August last year when I had the Chapter House of York Minster all to myself. As well as the Jew's Harp, you can hear my camera as I explore the Devil in the Details such as THIS, which is a close-up THIS.

Do people avoid you at parties?...quite a few folk-singarounds the last few years, but few parties.

That's sad. I never avoid David - as he'll testify. Whatever spats we have here, I'll always be happy to extend the open hand of friendship should ever our paths cross, as they occasionally do in a North East of England folky context. Talking of which - isn't there a Friday Sing at The Chillingham Arms you go to? Might well see you there on the 5th March.

Why have you retained your Australian citizenship?...needs must.

I'll say it again, David - you have the voice, the cultural background, & the curious dual-nationality that uniquely qualifies you to explore the rich tradition of English-Australian folk song. Your true personal cultural heritage?