The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126921   Message #2827356
Posted By: GUEST,buspassed
01-Feb-10 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chip shop queues
Subject: RE: BS: Chip shop queues
In June last year to celebrate my wife's 60th. and retirement from teaching I arranged a surprise Sunday coach outing to Bridlington, the scene of many a past day trip and holiday. Fifty six famiy and friends complete with chairs, blankets, buckets & spades and of course cricket gear! The high spot of the trip though was walking into that nice fish shop on the North side and ordering fish, chips and mushy peas 54 times! The lady behind me almost swooned away thinking she'd still be waiting till Monday! [Of course we had pre-arranged the order!] Washed down with lashings of Champers, it was the finest Brid lunch ever. Sadly I was out first ball from an evil googly delivered by a nine year old niece!