The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126921   Message #2827446
Posted By: MikeL2
01-Feb-10 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chip shop queues
Subject: RE: BS: Chip shop queues
Hi buspassed

Fish chips and peas with Champers ????   !!!!

Reminds me of one year when we were on holiday in Menorca. We were staying in a posh hotel...
There was a woman staying there who had come up on the lottery.

She was heavy on the champers every day. She had all the waiters running around after her where-ever she went.

Every morning & afternoon she went in the pool and she had a waiter running with a bottle of champagne and filling her glass at the four corners of the pool as she swam around it.

And evry lunch time she had the chef to provide her with fish and chips and a bottle of champers....

She was from East Yorkshire..........these Yorkies......common as

Mike ( a Lancashire lad )