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Thread #126915   Message #2827584
Posted By: Teribus
01-Feb-10 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blair at the Chilcot Inquiry
Subject: RE: BS: Blair at the Chilcot Inquiry
In response to Don T:

first paragraph - meaningless pointless crap

second paragraph -

1. When did I or anybody else know that Saddam Hussein ditched any WMD he had?? 20th March 2003 maybe? Ask Dr. Hans Blix he still thought Iraq had WMD, WMD programmes running, weapons development programmes running.

2. To finish the job that should have been completed in the first Gulf War?? That job was specific, that job was to expell Iraq from Kuwait and that is what was done.

third paragraph -

If that job had been done then, it would have been illegal, the Arab members of the coalition would have rebelled at that (They actually warned the UN about this) and collapsed. Bitter aftermath?? We would have been stuck out there with no means of fighting our way out, the entire region would have been ablaze.

fourth paragraph - If you are mug enough to read and believe what newspapers, Television or radio reports then more mug you, maybe you are the one who shouldn't butt into to grown up conversations. I prefer to listen to what the people involved actually say and on the 16th September 2001 I heard first from Colin Powell and second from Vice-President Dick Cheney that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks of 11th September, 2001

fifth paragraph -
1. But we know better don't we? The only action outside of its own borders was the invasion of Kuwait

So there was no sponsoring of suicide bombers in the West Bank; there was no assassination attempt on the former President of the United States in April 1993; there was no threat to Kuwait from the Iraqi Army in 1994. That is very odd Don because I can recall all of those.

2. and there was absolutely no reason in 2002/2003 to believe that Iraq presented any threat to the UK or the USA.

I think that there was every reason in 2002/2003 to believe that an Iraq that had not disarmed in a verifiable manner presented a threat. And guess what Don all 15 members of the Security Council of the United Nations thought exactly the same as me.

sixth paragraph - more meaningless idiotic crap.

seventh paragraph - ditto

eighth paragraph - Give me one, just one example of one of these lies. I keep asking for this from the clowns he keep blurting this out like some sort of mantra and I have yet to be given anything in evidence that any lie was told.

Oh by the way, the thing those reporters, whose line you seem to have swallowed hook-line-and sinker, sort of truncated in their reporting was the line in speeches that stated that Iraq under Saddam Hussein represented a threat to the USA/UK, the national interests of the USA/UK and to the allies of the USA/UK in the region. Go by what was said not by what was reported as having been said.

ninth paragraph - And how many of those other evil despots were on the hook having signed a binding ceasefire agreement who were not complying with it?? How many of those other evil despots were in China's back pocket (Burma; Sudan; Zimbabwe; North Korea)

Oh by the way, realistically you cannot deconstruct science. You could ban all the bombs, you can sign as many agreements as you like, you can ban and destroy all weapons - All of that will do you no good whatsoever because - We still know how to make them.