The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2827721
Posted By: Maryrrf
01-Feb-10 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
I need to start decluttering and getting fit too. My younger son was home for a few days between trips (he just got back from Africa where he was an intern at the West Africa Trade Hub, and is headed to Chile to visit his dad, then plans to settle for a while in Massachusetts where his girl friend lives...but that's another story). He helped me get started sorting through old pictures, so I need to continue that. Also need to organize CDs, and have gotten together a lot of clothes that will go to Goodwill. But we've had so much snow, and more is forecast - so it may be a couple of weeks. I go through spurts where I'm pretty good about going to the gym, but then things get busy and I slack off. I've slacked off for a couple of weeks - er..almost a month really. Must make a committment to go at least three times a week. Here's a good thing to report - a couple of months ago I organized my papers and documents and put everything in file boxes, with labeled. So, when Tom needed some documents I was able to put my hands on them right away. I was really glad I'd done it. Now I have to make sure I maintain the system.