The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125560   Message #2827990
Posted By: breezy
02-Feb-10 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: Johnny Collins Celebration Day (UK)
Subject: RE: Johnny Collins Celebration Day (UK)
I feel fortunate and privileged to be able to say -

I heard and admired his singing, I met him , I sang with him , he gigged for and with me and his generous sharing caring nature humbled me.

He was full of love, praise and encouragement to all he met.

He was an icon as has been testified by the tributes and the numbers who have turned up to his funeral and his celebration

He may not receive a 'folk award' but he epitomized what 'Folk' is all about.

He truly was one of the finest examples to us all.

A real 'Good Buddy'