The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127003   Message #2828009
Posted By: MikeL2
02-Feb-10 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

I am so sorry to hear about Michael's misfortune.

I send him my best wishes and all the positive enegy I have to help in his coming fight.

I have suffered from the same problem some 12 years or so ago.

I am pleased to report that after a lot of treatment and rest I am now fit and well and have been recently declared "clean " of the dreaded big C.

After some time recuperating my voice has returned.....I can now sing but do not have the range that I had previously. It is improving still and though I haven't started performing in public again this is because I don't want to - it was not my living any more when I contact the illness.

Another positive thought is that even since my recovery even better treatments are available to aid even better recovery.

So I am crossing everything that I can for Michael and hope that we can hear him back in good voice soon.

Best Regards
