The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2828302
Posted By: VirginiaTam
02-Feb-10 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
PennyS - Didn't the purchaser of the middle house turn out to be from HMRC? (IR dequivalent).

Yep! That's the one. It was very funny little series. Really enjoyed it. The more recent serials have not been very good.

Jeri - I am on 10mg of Amytriptyline in order to help me sleep in spite of the palpitations. I was told that it helps relieve vascular occurrences such as night time palpitations (I have had for over a year) and migraines which (which have plagued me this last month). Actually am sleeping much better. And because of this more energy during day. That's got to be good.

Meals today

breakfast - coffee, one sugar single cream, 1 and 1/2 wheatabix, small banana, skim milk

morning snack - 2 low salt whole grain rice cakes

lunch - carrot, 3 cherry tomatoes, 15 red grapes, 4 inches of English cuke with peel, two tiny tins of tuna (say that 5 times fast) with table spoon of low fat mayo

afternoon snack 2 clementines and 1 apple, cup of coffee 2 sugars and low fat whitener

dinner will be small poached salmon fillet with lemon and dill and 3 or 4 plain anya potatoes (boiled).

pudding aka dessert - glass of purple grape juice with lots of ice to chew.

Actually I am not hungry, but will eat anyway so metabolism doesn't get all confused.

Exercise - nil so far unless you count shopping this evening. Too much work to do at my desk. Overflowing in tray and email in box bursting at the seams. Maybe I will take a turn on the mini tramp.