The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2828454
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Feb-10 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
Hmmmmm...well, it seems Rhonda's site is not what I thought it was, so let's not go there with what she has to say.

I wil always put my hand up and apologise, Emma. You found something I hadn't. Well done.

I don't know though, sometimes it seems you're determined to try and prove that anyone who has anything half way inspirational, or hopeful, to do with, or say about, autism is purely in it for the wrong reasons.

The Miracle Project bit you do you know that money they charge for the courses is not directed straight back into the project itself?   It seems a damn wonderful project to me...and 'Autism The Musical' seems likewise, if you look at those clips.

Are you saying that all the inspirational links I've put into this thread are simply about people making money?

I mean, the chap whose book I'm reading at the moment, about his life with Asperger's, John Elder Robison, has made money from *me* buying his book. But hell, I've learned an awful lot about Aspergers. I don't resent my money finding it's way to him in the slightest. I am just really pleased that he has passed his experiences out to others to learn from. Are you saying that he should give his book away for free? Why should he?

No, I don't agree with people offering 'cures' for autism, nor do I agree with an industry opening up around it, but there are 'cure' industries surrounding almost everything these days, sadly, no matter how emotive or distressing some things are.