The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2828775
Posted By: Emma B
03-Feb-10 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
I am a self diagnosed cynic - defined on one web site as

"an idealist whose rose-colored glasses have been removed, snapped in two and stomped into the ground, immediately improving his vision."

Yes, cynics are still idealists under their scarred hides

Historically cynics were students of a now-obscure philosopher named Antisthenes, who in turn was a student of the illustrious Socrates who believed that virtue was the greatest good and would challenge folks to good-natured debates and let their own foolishness trip them up.

Because of my work, I do have some limited experience of autism and the effects it can have on family life.
I have encountered one 'savant' who could play chess like a grand master but nevertheless was unable to do even the most basic tasks for himself.

The Autism 'Epidemic' and Industry

I have seen the growth of the 'autism industry' spread from its germination in the US to this country with some alarm as I am well aware of the desperate need of some parents I have known to find any cause of, or treatment for, their much loved children with autism.

I have also been disturbed by the ideological, unscientific crusade against childhood vaccines such as the one led by self-styled 'Warrior Moms' like celebrity Jenny McCarthy as I myself only just survived a measles epidemic as a young child and my best friend did not.

Such celebrities are loved by the media (Oprah has signed a deal to sponsor McCarthy in her very own talk show) because of the 'inspirational' warm glow they engender - her son Evan "is no longer in the world of autism." He is, she says, "recovered."

What people who promote this seem blissfully obvious to, or uncaring of, is the mixture of guilt and anger they 'inspire' in many parents of autistic children.

As one mother has written in "The False Prophets of Autism" N Y Times

"I've heard McCarthy say on national TV, "Evan is my science." I'm sorry, one little boy is not "science." Warm and fuzzy anecdotes don't do it for me. Give me hard science any day, with its double blind studies and rigorous peer review.

It's time for the media to stop giving airtime to celebrities with no medical credentials who peddle unrealistic hopes to families dealing with a devastating diagnosis."

Self Diagnosis

Another disturbing feature is the increasing tendency for adults to self diagnose with Aspergers

This has reached such bizarre levels that one web based support group has commented

"there is no doubt some of these people claim to have Aspergers as its the new emo – in other words a way to claim to be different than everyone else.

Many of the people on the Autism and Asperger support websites are there legitimately seeking support for a diagnosed condition, this used to be a really useful tool for seeking support but as of late its been all but helpful.
If you look on support websites such as Wrongplanet you notice what was intended as a support website is all but a support website, people with a legitimate and diagnosed condition are often trolled and harassed by those who claim to be self-diagnosed."

The Genius Myth

While self diagnosis in itself is a inaccurate and possibly dangerous thing (doctors never recommend self diagnosing people for one reason – people are not good at evaluating their own conditions) what is even more perturbing is the fashion (originating from Norm Ledgin's fanciful, and much publicized, post mortem 'diagnosis' of Thomas Jefferson as autistic) of attributing an autistic diagnosis to famous people and geniuses of the past and the extrapolation of this fallacy to the insistence that autism is therefore in some way a 'gift'

Again this has caused feelings of resentment in some people who suffer from the condition

"In addition to giving parents hope for their child's future, it could be used to make an autistic person feel better about himself Of course there is the flip-side that it could induce anger and bitterness to the autist who considers himself far less successful than many neurotypicals.
I fall into this last category, therefore, I feel that it is of utmost importance that these diagnoses be dissected. I have attempted to do so in this essay"
Undiagnosing Gates, Jefferson and Einstein
An article by Jonathan Mitchell

I have hoped, by dissent, to open up discussion on all the highly emotive language and opinions presented as facts you have bludgeoned us with Lizzie, in itself a form of bullying.

I have NOT wished to present a negative approach to autism; I have commented on the real success stories of early educational interventions and the value of teachers in mainstream and special education

In the UK, as the National Autistic Society has reported -
"The Government has developed an exciting new resource to help schools support children with autism better. The Autism Inclusion Development Programme (IDP) is a series of modules available online and on DVD to help education staff to understand autism and work better with children on the autism spectrum."
including one for early years settings such as nurseries.

I apologize for the length of this post but much has been covered by this thread.

To all the parents, not forgetting Rose, who have contributed may I send my respect
