The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2828877
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
03-Feb-10 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
Parents are not against having these vaccines, Emma. They are against having them *all at the same time*

It ain't rocket science.

Many parents even travel to France and further afield to get single dose vaccines for their children, at a big financial cost, because they care about their children, not the other way around.

Half full, half empty. You live your life the way fits you best, I guess.

Today BBC Breakfast News did a big feature on Alzheimer's. They mentioned how devastating it was, how it affected millions, how it will affect millions of us in the future.....

And my mind got a little enraged....because many people are starting out their lives trapped inside their own bodies, and no-one's giving a damn out there in the media..

This is not to belittle Alzheimers in any way, but we HAVE to spread the word about Autism in the same way. To not, is criminal.

So, if you'd like to write to the BBC Breakfast News Team, as I did this morning, asking that they do a big feature on Autism, giving it as much coverage as they can, then, please write to them at this email address:

BBCBreakfast News Website

The more people who write, the bigger the impact will be.

Thank you.