The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2829005
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
03-Feb-10 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
I started a thread on The Horse Boy, Emma. Perhaps you missed it.

"Please don't slyly insinuate my life is half full Lizzie"

I was talking about everyone, actually, stating that there is a choice to be made and we are the ones who make that choice. And for your information, I don't do 'sly'.

My life will always be half full. I've been in the half empty place, and I can assure you that half full is always better. There is always a silver lining to everything, no matter how grim it may seem at the time.

To give up on Hope, is to give up on Life.

I have known what it's like to lose a child, without ever being able to hold that child in my arms...and it leaves a space so empty, so hollow, so bleak that it seems almost unfillable. It is why, when offered tests on my 'soon to be born son' I refused them all, because I didn't care if I was about to be given a 'burden' for I'd already made up my mind to accept, totally....and ensure that joy was around me. Even if it seemed hopeless, I would do it, somehow. I was blessed with my son, with my daughter too...and even though they too have been to bleak places in their time, I'd not have changed one single moment of my life, no matter how grim it has been at times.

To Live, is to Hope.
To Hope, is to Live.

"No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit."
Helen Keller (1880 - 1968)

Every child is worth fighting for. Every child is worth loving.

Amazing footage of Annie Sullivan talking to, and about, Helen Keller

Without Annie fighting for her, Helen would have spent her 88 years in a dark, silent, thought-less prison, abandoned. Instead, Helen lit up the world with her vast intelligence and compassion.

And here is a link to Donna Williams...literally a link to her, as she is responding to comments on this Youtube if there is anything you would like to ask, I guess..just ask her.

Donna Williams - Youtube

(PS: The previous link I put in to Donna, goes to The Miracle Project by mistake. I can't seem to get the Google Video page to link to the right one, which is sooo annoying as it's very informative and interesting, but I'll post it here if I can figure how the link...)