The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127022   Message #2829129
Posted By: SINSULL
03-Feb-10 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Okay, now what are you womenz up to???
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, now what are you womenz up to???
Actually, gentlemen, we can use your help. Lilyfestre is going through some crap at the moment and awaiting biopsy results. We can't change the results of the biopsy but we can support Lily. She needs to know that she isn't alone and she is still a vibrant beautiful woman.
Or is it womanz?
Anyway - a PM of support or note to her thread would go a long way. Too shy for that? Say a prayer; offer a positive thought to the ether. Whatever you guys do when you're not annoying us.