The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2829324
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
03-Feb-10 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
I'm sorry, Emma, but get real here. A woman says she was helped with tinted lenses. These are known to help people with dyslexia, as are differently tinted sheets, spread over books etc...They've been known about for years, and there are loads of people who've been helped with them.

Autism brings with it an over-stimulation of all the senses, vision included. My friend who is dyspraxic and who shows many symptoms on the autism circle was prescribed coloured lenses for her light-sensitivity. She finds them very helpful. She used to have panic attacks in bright lights, sometimes causing her to almost she went to the optician....and.......lo and behold, that's what he prescribed for her.

If Donna knows they work and has had very positive effects from them, then why the heck shouldn't she pass that fact on to others and sell them from her site?

And if you read her comments on this video, you'll see that she's now changed to another type of lens...If it helps her, all well and good..

Donna's video on the lenses...

And listen to this young lad....It makes perfect sense to me how Donna was helped with these lenses..especially when he talks about the problems that some folks have with 'depth perception', which must make life pretty weird and dizzy at times...

Irlens Syndrome - A Teenager's viewpoint

And I don't do 'second person singular' stuff...I just write, Emma, in the way I do, so it's no good applying your rules to my writing, 'cos I don't have rules. That's not being rude, it's just telling you, in the hope that you'll relax a little more about my words.