The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126915   Message #2830538
Posted By: Teribus
05-Feb-10 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blair at the Chilcot Inquiry
Subject: RE: BS: Blair at the Chilcot Inquiry
Here is the transcript of Blix's speech in its complete form:

This is paragraph that Bobert clings onto out of a whole catalogue of difficulties Blix is reporting

I shall deal first with cooperation on process. In this regard, it has regard to the procedures, mechanisms, infrastructure and practical arrangements to pursue inspections and seek verifiable disarmament. While the inspection is not built on the premise of confidence, but may lead to confidence if it is successful, there must nevertheless be a measure of mutual confidence from the very beginning in running the operation of inspection. Iraq has, on the whole, cooperated rather well so far with UNMOVIC in this field.

Blix says that they are co-operating on process but goes to state that they are NOT co-operating on substance

What was required:

Resolution 1441 was adopted on 8 November last year and emphatically reaffirmed the demand on Iraq to cooperate. It required this cooperation to be immediate, unconditional and active.

What co-operation UNMOVIC got was patchy, sporadic and in the case of active co-operation non-existent.