The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2830689
Posted By: GUEST,LTS on the sofa
05-Feb-10 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Michelle - that's a fantastic acheivement - be proud of yourself!

VT "She just made diagnosis that I am old, out of shape and overweight and need to make lifestyle changes. No tests ordered. " Sounds very familiar.. Ever notice how they say do this and that, but never actually direct you to anyone who will help you with it? They tell you to lose weight but never refer you to a dietician or excercise classes.

As for sleep apnoea - I don't have it, but I'm pretty sure Manitas does (but of course, does nothing about it), and it's his snoring that keeps me awake. I can - and have - slept 12 hours straight, a couple of hundred yards from the concert tent, through mega decibel concerts (just Google Shooglenifty), lying on the cold hard ground at folk festivals, but only when he isn't there. Hypnotherapy has helped enourmously with my sleeping, but it's the physical tiredness, the muscle aches, tight chest and lethargy that is the problem at the moment.

Having said that, it's getting better and I'm following up on the 24hr monitor referral next Monday. I may even get some decluttering done next week!