The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127076   Message #2831077
Posted By: Sawzaw
05-Feb-10 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blizzard coming to DC area?
Subject: RE: BS: Blizzard coming to DC area?
At first I thought people were over reacting because of the whopper we got in December but now I am back to the blizzard mode.

I see they are calling for 20 to 30" in the WV panhandle. I was planning on going up there today for the weekend. Now I am glad I didn't.

I am sorry to say it but you are in for it Bobert. Maybe somebody can air drop a snowblower in there. Suburban living has it's advantages. I only have to shovel about 10 feet to get to the street.

Here they are calling for winds up to 40 MPH.

I remember in '58 we got about 12" but it was so cold it didn't melt and the wind blew up 20 foot drifts.

My maw and my brother got stuck halfway between DC and Annapolis where Wild world is now. We were in a Studebaker Golden Hawk which was pretty low to the ground.

We were stuck in a farmhouse there for 3 days until a big ass bulldozer with one of those huge V blades blasted through so we could get out.

Then we proceeded toward Annapolis and got as far as Davidsonville where Homestead Gardens is now. There was a big dip in the road that was filling up with drifts every 5 minutes after it was cleared.

A road grader would go through and about 6 cars would follow before it drifted shut. The grader would turn around and come back with 6 cars behind. The back up was so bad and getting worse we turned 'er around and went back to DC to my oldest bro's house for another 3 before we could get through.