The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126833   Message #2831151
Posted By: jeffp
05-Feb-10 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: National Wear Red Day
Subject: RE: BS: National Wear Red Day
Last Sunday my wife was shoveling snow because I was sick in bed. She started feeling nauseated while she was picking up our daughter and texted me to get some Tums while she was out. Finally, some Mylanta got her feeling better, so we thought no more of it. A couple of days later she had some pain which moved up into her jaw. Remembering this thread, I insisted she call her cardiologist, who she had just seen the day before. He sent her to the Emergency Room, where tests showed she had probably had a heart attack. This morning, she was flown to Washington Hospital Center where they catheterized her and confirmed a mild heart attack with minimal damage, which they expect to reverse.

Thank you Sinsull, for what may very well have saved my wife's life.
