The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2831610
Posted By: wysiwyg
06-Feb-10 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness

As you know I value your leadership, but I wish you had waited for a good night's sleep (mine) before you went ahead. As I posted earlier, part of decluts goals for ME is fewer threads, more PMs. Anyone with whom I have been exchanging contact in this thread is welcome to move any of those talks offthread into PMs, but reconfiguring any of it NOW is an additional barrier for me here, and some thread-participants have put themselves out of my "hoop" until they clear up some issues they have caused with me.

One thread that IS (already) open is the "Small Strokes" thread where a few of us have been exchanging thoughts; some additional chat occurs on that topic offthread.... I'm going to put a Sjogren's item there which actually fits any kind of memory issues, and sleep issues, if anyone with those wants to join that discussion.

SRS, I will say tho that this division of topics sounds like more-Catting, not less-Catting... and in the direction of more-cluts, not less-cluts. It "thinks" like that, but it "feels" very strongly like control and boundary issues.... I hear a sucking sound in the background, to which I suspect some folks in this thread will relate. Please give that some thought. I continue to enjoy our PMs and their thought-provoking, respectful mode of discussion. It's part of what I so respect about your leadership.
